
900 Year Old Crusader Sword Just Lying on the Sea Floor

Crusader Sword: In the Autumn of 2021, Shlomi Katzin of Atlit, Israel was scuba diving off the Carmel coast.  Located…

2 years ago

Green Children Of Woolpit: The 800 Year Mystery

Woolpit: There is a story from the 12th century that still has people mystified.  According to the story, sometime in…

2 years ago

Is the William Wallace Sword Real?

William Wallace: Rare books, antiquities and artifacts from ancient times are only as valuable and significant as the experts say…

2 years ago

Incredible Images of Ghost Ships at Bottom of the Baltic

Like all oceans and seas, the Baltic is breathtakingly beautiful and filled with mystery. Its waves crash against shores in…

2 years ago

The House of Medieval Knights Hospitaller

Knights Hospitaller: This beautiful building is in the hamlet of Toller Fratrum, I have never been here before, it is…

2 years ago

Ducking Pond Where Witches Were Drowned

Long since abandoned this depression in the ground was once a lot deeper and filled with water. This is where…

2 years ago

Wayfarer’s Dole – 1000 Years of Tradition

WAYFARER’S DOLE, it’s unique and close to a 1000 year tradition. Knock on the heavy wooden door of Porter’s Lodge…

2 years ago